Geopark Ambassadors Come to Kula and Salihli

The Erasmus + Project named GEOPARK AMBASSADORS numbered 2020-1-TR01-KA105-081899 is financed by the Turkish National Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project will be carried out in Salihli and Kula between 15-22 August 2021. The project manager is Özlem KAYA, one of the teachers of Kudret Demir Secondary School, and the stakeholder of the project is KULA-SALİHLİ UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK.

The aim of the project is to introduce KULA-SALİHLİ Geopark, Turkey's first and only UNESCO Geopark, to 25 participants (youth groups between the ages of 18-30) from TURKEY, HUNGARY, POLAND, SPAIN and ROMANIA, as well as to introduce the environment in the Geopark areas, all formations and to ensure that they observe the value it adds to that region and to introduce the KULA-SALİHLİ UNESCO Global Geopark in the best way to these participants from abroad. Participants, who will stay at Salihli Lidya Hotel for 7 days, will attend introductory trainings about the geopark in the hotel meeting room, and at other times they will have the chance to see the geopark on site. Within the scope of the project, educational trips will be organized to Adala Canyon, Sart Ruins, Kula Fairy Chimneys and Kula Volcanic Lands located within the Kula-Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark, accompanied by experienced, expert guides. The educational tours and the presentation of the geopark will be carried out by GEOPARK MUNICIPALITY UNION PRESIDENCY, KULA-SALİHLİ UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK officials Yiğit KARAKUZU, Mesut KOLBÜKEN and Ali KARATAŞ.

The most valuable achievement of the project will be the promotion of Turkey's first and only UNESCO Geopark, KULA-SALİHLİ Geopark.
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