Kemer Village

Kemer Village has the potential of being one of the most significant tourism centres of Salihli in terms of its historical background, its well-preserved settlement fabric and domestic architecture. It is an important rural settlement being prominent with its commercial aspect in the past. The village, which was a significant area for bonito and animal trade in the past, lost substantially the appearance of a traditional town. Saddle-making, shoe-making, forging, blacksmith, veterinary, hairdressing; dressmaking, grocery and drapery were among the trade and manufacturing activities which have been maintained for a long time in the village. The most important agricultural products of the village are sesame oil and halva. The most important evidence of the trade activities of the village is the warehouses where the tunny fish brought from the surrounding villages are stored and the fruit and vegetable depots. The architecture of the village still looks like a town. An ancient trade road existed between Kemer Village and the plain, traces of which can be seen today. To the North of the village, there are the ruins of a castle and there are ceramic remains that are thought to belong to an ancient settlement named Nardi/Nardis. The ancient marble remains with Greek inscriptions in Kemer Village lend support to this identification.
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