Kula-Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark, which became a member of the Global Geoparks Network for the first time in 2013, is the first and only UNESCO global geopark not only in Turkey but also in the Turkic Republics. Kula Salihli Geopark, which diligently fulfills its duty in this context, supports the efforts of the Turkish Republics to establish geoparks in Central Asia. He transfers his knowledge and experiences to Central Asian geoscientists. The first relations with Central Asia started with the IGCP 727 project sent by Kyrgyz geoscientists to UNESCO. This project supports the development of priority countries in the field of geosciences and the sharing of scientific studies for the popularization of geosciences with the society and stakeholders. Kula Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark became a stakeholder of the project, which was sent to UNESCO in late 2020 and aims to establish a geopark around Batken City of Kyrgyzstan. As part of the project, an international workshop was held in Batken, Kyrgyzstan, between 16-21 September 2021. Representatives from countries such as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Poland and Ireland attended the international meeting hosted by Batken University. Kula Salihli Geopark, which supports the IGCP project on issues such as geoprotection, geoparks, and the establishment processes of Geoparks, was attended by Prof.Dr. Tuncer DEMİR and Assoc.Prof.Dr. It was represented by Ahmet Serdar AYTAÇ. At the meeting where important presentations were made on earth sciences and geoparks, Prof.Dr. Tuncer Demir Kula Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ahmet Serdar Aytaç explained the role of Geoparks in sustainable development. The meeting ended with a field study including the potential geosites of Batken Aday Geopark. Prof.Demir and Assoc.Prof.Dr. During his visits to Kyrgyzstan, Aytaç visited Batken State University. They had contacts with the rector and the rector of Kyrgyz State Mining University. During the visits, important decisions were taken on issues such as establishing cooperation between universities regarding the Kula Salihli UNESCO global Geopark, identifying potential geopark areas in Kyrgyzstan and establishing new Geoparks. At the end of the workshop, an international agreement was signed with the suggestions and guidance of Kula-Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark representatives. With this agreement, Kula-Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark, Yangan Tau UNESO Global Geopark, Batken candidate Geopark, Cappadocia candidate Geopark, Isykgöl candidate geopark, Kazakhstan National Commission for Geoparks, Uzbekistan Geological Research Institution, geoprotection, establishment and development of geoparks, geotourism, education, sustainable decided to cooperate on issues such as development. The UNESCO Director of Natural Sciences for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan also signed the agreement as an observer.
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