Geological structures, which are rock-mineral-fossil communities that reveal an event, a process or a formation during the formation or evolution of the earth's crust; They are natural entities with texture type, scientific document quality and, in some cases, visual beauty.

Take the opportunity to discover these beauties

Kaplan Divlit Volcano Cones
Kaplan Divlit Volcano Cones
Suuçtu Waterfall
Suuçtu Waterfall
The Gediz Graben
The Gediz Graben
Tmolos Deposits
Tmolos Deposits
Evciler Shist
Evciler Shist
Sandal Divlit
Sandal Divlit
Acısu Ophiolites
Acısu Ophiolites
Çakırca Basalt Columns
Çakırca Basalt Columns
Üfürük Geothermal Resource
Üfürük Geothermal Resource
Hydrothermal Alteration of Tmolos Deposits
Hydrothermal Alteration of Tmolos Deposits
Adala Volcanic Canyon
Adala Volcanic Canyon
Marmara Lake
Marmara Lake
Kısık (Mağara) River Ancient Quarry
Kısık (Mağara) River Ancient Quarry
Kurşunlu Valley
Kurşunlu Valley
Kula Fairy Chimneys
Kula Fairy Chimneys
Tabak River Potholes
Tabak River Potholes
Kula Volcanic Park
Kula Volcanic Park


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